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Our Services

UST Removal

Tanks U2

We offer Underground Storage Tank (UST) removal and decommissioning services throughout the puget sound region. As required by the Seattle Fire Department (our local jurisdiction), our International Code Council (ICC) certified personnel will permit, oversee, and report the process for each customer.  We follow the steps listed below:


  1. Locate and determine UST type and size. Estimate remaining product in UST.

  2. Pump out product and triple water rinse UST per requirements.

  3. Complete UST decommissioning permit process and coordinate the UST removal date.

  4. Remove the UST.

  5. Restore site the it's original condition

  6. Provide our clients with a decommissioning receipt/letter per requirements.

Site Assessment Services U7

We also offer contaminated soil removal and property cleanup per the Washington State Model Toxic Control Act (MTCA) site assessment and remediation guidelines.


We can field screen and sample soils for analysis and waste profiling for disposal. Our employees are trained and experienced in the field of  excavation and hauling of contaminated soil.

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